Fuck Australia
Fuck Australia
YES! And Swamp gasses could have played havoc on the video recording equipment!
So so true!
I love this game so much, I love seeing it covered :)
Thanks for covering this Kotaku. KSP is one of my all time favorite games and I have been CRAVING this update for way longer than would be healthy. So god damn pumped to do more rocket science!
Don't you mean *stabs in the stark* ;D
It's not a Top 15 list. It's "we bought 14 beers and ranked them." I think he's pretty clear about that.
Harpoon and Sam Adams on a top 15 IPA list? You're fucking kidding right?
"Enter the Aperture Science Enrichment Center, an abandoned Apple store from hell." Way to completely transform the…
Lots of things are livable, but the article is about return on investment. 35k is a low-paying job for a college graduate, especially one with school loans. I'm not saying you can't survive it, and being an educator can be a noble pursuit, but as far as money goes? Nearly any science-based major will do you far…
Oh, you're saying those are GOOD salaries? ;)
It's especially a pain in the ass if you slip while trying to mount the turnstile
But then I'll lose my keys along with my metro pass...!
Sunset Overdrive is in there...
Not the Director's Cut?
Honest people do. We are becoming rarer with each generation.