Always wondered why a kit-car manufacturer never built a Porsche 914 replica. And, boom, here it is. Ugly, though.
Always wondered why a kit-car manufacturer never built a Porsche 914 replica. And, boom, here it is. Ugly, though.
What was remarkable about Man on a Wire was the complete lack of movie footage of the actual walk. Plenty of footage of the preparation and rehearsals, but none of the walk itself. For all the planning, they neglected to bring a movie camera. So, all the movie has is stills.
This is so obviously staged. There is no reason at all for all four pictures to be low-res. Ace photog Williams was obviously close to the car. There are three different backgrounds, and the interior is shot from about six feet above. What the camera broke set to 1/5 shutter speed?
Not sure how missing digits is going to affect his football play, but I suspect that he’s going to have some serious challenges training ... lifting weights, specifically.
This is so obvious, but nobody’s saying it: you might make the quarterback more effective running an offense designed to minimize the deficiencies of modern quarterback prospects, but it won’t beat a modern defense.
If Hyundai and/or Kia got into the light-duty truck market with a substantially cheaper, but traditional (non Ridgeline) pickup, they could turn the high-margin market on its head.
Strikes me that your observations are consistent with one of Franzen’s major flaws: he has absolutely no faith in his reader. So, he beats Poor Reader over the head until said reader ... Gets. The. Point.
The problem? Marshawn Lynch is too good. They figured he’s pretty much a lock to punch it in, so they go with something trickier as plan A, with the virtual certainty of the run as plan B. If they really thought it might take Lynch a couple of tries, they wouldn’t have started with the pass.
Still not seeing why someone being touched without his consent is funny.
Read any one of the Fletch books and you’ll cry with what Chevy Chase did to them.
This is the anti-Miata. There is absolutely no need for that much power in that kind of truck. It’s a thoughtless waste of natural resources. And, the for-show-only front bumper means that when a moron inevitably drives the thing over his head and hits somebody, the hit somebody is going to get none of the benefit of…
Jockey Club requires “live cover” for thoroughbreds. No artificial insemination.
There is a much simpler solution to the problem. Apply the miracle that drives capitalism: market-based pricing. If every block has meter pricing designed to create 80-90% occupancy, every block will have an open space. If you want a close space, pony up. If you want to pay less, go a few blocks from the prime spots.
How is this even remotely okay? Andrus knows Beltran doesn’t want to be touched. And, he touches him anyway.
The quintessentially Japanese car. Take a segment owned by another country’s product. Do it better. See, just about every segment there is.
Need to define “successful” carefully. Raw success on the race track: 911. Using racing and winning to develop and burnish the image and brand of perhaps the most profitable line of cars ever: 911.
Designed play.
Yeah, because a woman is just like a car: an object to be used to satisfy your one-sided needs.
Jalopnik was a co-conspirator with Alex Roy on his cross-country run, observing an embargo on coverage of his attempt until the statute-of-limitations ran. You've got a long way to go.