
Nope. This is what the Panamera wants to be when it grows up:

Coolest fact I learned webbing around about Meb: he's sponsored by Skechers. Skechers!

In tennis, the obligation to officiate shifts from the players to an ever-increasing number of officials and electronic monitors. Ought to be the same for golf. Self-reporting is stupid.

Please don't make me cry.

They shoulda done a real bracket.

Yeah, you missed the standard sexual assault is a funny part about going to prison joke.

What exactly is the demand, other than pure nostalgia? The original Targa met the demand for a convertible, when a true convertible wasn't feasible. Now that there's a convertible, who exactly wants a half-convertible?

The only way a kid that size gets the ball to go that far is to throw it backwards like that ... best leverage.

Meh. It's a big stew of faux. Proportions meant to mimic a front-engine, rear-drive GT like the GTB365. Faux vents all over the place. Weird faux exhaust tips.

They probably don't get cross-shopped and their approaches are different, but aren't the A5 and Mustang solving basically the same problem?

If using turn signals is a habit — 1. prepare to turn, 2. engage indicators — then you're less likely to forget than if you add a step — 1. prepare to turn, 2. evaluate need for signals, 3. if need, use indicators.

It would be nice to see a new Mini model that's not based on the heritage styling. It is 2013, after all.

And, I thought it was going to be a twin-engine SUV.

Hammers of Thor!

Hit the nail on the head.

Is this what Vin Diesel's character was talking about in Fast & Furious when he told the sad tale of his father's demise in a corner during a drag race?

In which both parties manage to come across as juvenile jerks.

There isn't a direct connection between teens and young twenty-somethings getting their licenses later and slow car sales to twenty- and thirty-somethings. It's just that it looks like both trends are part of a larger pattern.
