Sean KB

Search your feelings, you know it to be true

Rachel's the Tonin mole

Alright now!  Krieger's going super villain  possibly Mallory as well.  Trudy Beakman's coming into play, and I can only imagine the Oldboy-level world of shit she has planned for Mallory (although I was disappointing she wasn't voiced by Liza Minelli, I mean, come on!)

He's damn sure earned it.  He's already got a kick-ass wand

Is it just me or is it obvious Merle is a mole?  Somebody told the Governor about the gun stash they just came back with, and he was working really hard to get the last two fighters in the prison to follow him on a suicide mission.  I think by season's end Merle's gonna get an arrow in the face.

I'll say it again, Gannicus is totally going to become Spartacus before the show's end.  McGee made the same point I did last week in the comments section, Spartacus isn't a man, he's Batman, he's a symbol, the man can fall, but the symbol will rise

I could listen to Dayton Callie read the phone book, as long as he punctuated every couple words with "hmm-uhh-thankya-thankya—ahh"

I just had a crazy-ass thought. Why would Spartacus be putting SO much effort into grooming Gannicus, not just as a General, but as as successor, if historically it made no difference? I think at some point before the final episode, or even during, Spartacus will die, but his name will be too important to the cause,

It's not a ghost, ghost's don't have bodies.  this is a zombie.

This would be a bold, BOLD play, that would serve the story better than the show (as far as losing certain charismatic actors) But I have this weird feeling the Boyd/Ava/Theo storyline is gonna end with Ava killing Boyd. This show is all about poetic justice, and the occasional poetic injustice. I've felt for a while

Dude, does he even lift?

Maybe I watch too much Mythbusters, but the only person behind bulletproof cover during the climax was Carl… because he was behind a wall.  Maggie would be dead, and holy hell, Carol would be dead like 50 times.

This may not have been the best episode of the season, but it was still a joy for me, and I'm sure any fellow Deadwood fans, to see Raylan and Shelby spend most of the episode together, as well as seeing George Hearst get tortured with a blowtorch.

Believe me, if there's some way this show can do anything but remind me of better days, I'd chance it.  Maybe I may at some point catch up, but for now, I'm content to see how things play out from a distance, and more likely fade from interest in it's current state altogther, Because the things that ruined this

A B?  are you just in denial of how atrociously off that was or were you just not paying attention. That was so bad the only thing seperating the "sitcom" gags from the real episode was the laugh track.  That was a travesty, and it completely shattered the meta line.  For every audacious thing the show did before,

It was sure nice to see Bullock drag Hearst down the road indignantly, even if it is in a different universe

There's gotta be a better way to plug that