Raven Wilder

Yeah, the thing with blackface was it wasn't merely used to let white actors play black characters; it was a widespread and highly codified method of mocking black people and invoking racist stereotypes. That's why it carries so much negative baggage.

If nothing else, if that's all it takes to make her commit suicide, one wonders why she didn't do it years earlier.

On the one hand, very excited to see what they do with this.

Where would huge budget but low quality fall on the spectrum?

If you're going to break a promise to anyone, it should be a promise made to someone who's died. They don't exist anymore, so they're not going to care whether you keep your promise or not.

Gay porn stars can't be nerds, too?

Hey, if "flammable" and "inflammable" can both be words and both mean the same thing . . .

"Nearly a year"? You underestimate the Internet by an order of decades.

I'm pretty sure you're kidding, but I actually loved that moment. It takes two overplayed and paternalistic tropes (the superhero who keeps his love interest at arm's length for her protection (despite her vocally not WANTING that protection), and the romance that is halted because the woman's father vetoes the

I wish I could find more Homecoming reviews that didn't feel the need to bash the Amazing movies. Amazing Spider-Man 2 fumbled hard from trying to cram too much franchise material in, but the first Amazing Spider-Man was easily one of the best superhero movies I've seen, head and shoulders above the Raimi trilogy.

It DOES seem a little unfair that Wonder Woman gets all this credit for being a female led superhero movie but the ones that came before it don't. While it didn't do well at the box office, I think Elektra is a woefully underrated flick.

Avatar 2: The Legend of Quaritch's Gold

Well, not all drunk driving cases are created equal. I've heard of someone getting in trouble with the law because they were sitting in the driver's seat while drunk, even though the car was parked and the engine was off.

That's what Hot Pockets were made for.

You could still have gravity. The flat earth would just need to be at the top of a very large column, rather than a relatively narrow disk.

They tend to come back, but then get killed all over again.

Well, the show really only has two main cast members, with Castiel occasionally making three.

Ah, see, I like the oily part of fish. I generally think the fish's skin is the tastiest part.

Lobster is really popular in the United States; it's like the go-to example of what to get if you want a really nice meal. But, for cost reasons, it's also something most people rarely ever eat.

Exactly, that's why any true lover of English grammar will tell you that the correct form of the second person plural is "y'all".