
The AV Club feeds this kind of thing by obsessing about the race and gender of the actors. I see it across almost all of their reviewers. It's a tribute to the site's following that the obsession has surpassed its walls to the broader internet. There is no reason this show should get more attention than a

Joining a long list of shows that I enjoy that were one and done. Being older than the preferred audience demo is a bitch sometimes. RIP Grinder. You were funny and will be missed.


The publication is called "Glamour." It's kind of silly to expect it won't be about appearances.

I thought the point of the reveal at the end was that Eugene gave away their plan to Negin to save himself, which would have been in character and explain how the Saviors just happened to be exactly where they needed to be with the most numbers at the worst time. Nobody else seems to think so, so I guess that wasn't

Am I reading AVClub or The Nation? There is a big difference between wanting to be in the position to defend yourself if necessary and actively looking for people to shoot. Gun violence in the U.S. is at something like a 20-30 year low, so if Open Carry is leading to more of it, the data don't back that up.

Stewart's character reminds me a little of Jack Benney's - so full of his own faults but also the only person who can call out the craziness of the people he's surrounded by.

Of for crying out loud…REEVE. He was a hero in real life, not just in the movies. Get his name right.

If it means fewer typos, I'm willing to wait a few hours for these.

By this point, whenever I see one of the long-term characters (farm or earlier) in a danger situation, I start mentally reviewing the set design for the out. With Glen stuck at the end of a fenced off alley, I noticed the dumpster (walkers wouldn't be able to get in there if he found a way to hold the lid shut, maybe

Me: I wonder when they'll ever stop speaking the exposition.
Wife: Would you rather just not know what's going on?

Luca was a much more important character with a richer back story in the book.

There were lots of fights in Smallville. There were no "flights."

Did it bug anyone else that the clean room plot was reliant on the three scientists completely abandoning any professional responsibility right from the get-go? It would be one thing if they were just trying to stall blame so they could have their weekend and then come clean after, I could kind of accept that - but

It would be interesting to see how long the characters survive in a country where private gun ownership is illegal.

BSG is in Amazon Prime, no?

Jack Benny managed it fine. It isn't the premise of an anti-hero, it's the writers.

Was anyone else put out that Jack was driving a U.S. car? Where did he get that in London?

Probably "Bright Lights, Big City," no?

Every line in that episode was so perfect but none more than when the objectivist Question is quoting Ayn Rand when preparing to kill Luthor. That level of precision in the writing was what made Justice League the best superhero show in the history of TV.