I remember it taking me a while to really get into hating PhiPhi, like three episodes; Magnolia had me hating her as soon as she refused to stop whining
I remember it taking me a while to really get into hating PhiPhi, like three episodes; Magnolia had me hating her as soon as she refused to stop whining
What makes her look worse is that April hated her box but made it work and landed in the top three last week
Milk's is http://instagram.com/bigand…, while his boyfriend's is http://instagram.com/jamesb…
As soon as Bianca said that, I knew who I was rooting for to win
You're right, she did! I completely forgot that she won the mini-challenge in that episode
Much, much stronger episode all around thanks to a stronger set of queens (plus Magnolia), and a surprisingly stronger guest judge. I'm a bit disappointed that Mike Ruiz wasn't invited to sit on the judges' panel for this episode as well since he's always a delight.