Sam Rockwell and Leslie Bibb: award show shout-outs to partners don’t necessarily end well... Hilary Swank anyone?
Sam Rockwell and Leslie Bibb: award show shout-outs to partners don’t necessarily end well... Hilary Swank anyone?
And how in every single shot, Kylie is under a blanket? Like, there could have been other ways to hide a pregnancy, right? An afghan should be option, like, 12.
I’m sorry - is Megan Fox’s Insta handle NATIVE TIGER? Because that’s all kinds of nope.
Oh the tears they are flowing. I love you, Oprah.
Those 1989 prom shoulders on Amanda Peet? Honey. HONEY.
Who else thought that J-Law was inside Kris Jenner’s awful mirrored bear? At first I thought it was her wearing wrapping paper like a Dementor.
YES. Or run Sam and Amber back-to-back so that I can scream/cry/praise for an entire hour.
Wasn’t there something about him being creepy towards an underage girl in the UK a few years ago? I could see it.
Stacey Dash and... that’s all.
I’m just... I’m just not certain as to which DirtBagger this is in reference to... Which makes the possibilities all the more hilarious. Chrissy Teigen? Roy Orbison?
Hot take: Jim was the original “Nice Guy”™.
There is something so viscerally offensive about the phrase “flappy pussy”. Although, as it turns out, almost everything about men in Hollywood is proving to be viscerally offensive.
I have been having a lot of anxiety about opening my school email. Opening a verbally abusive email from my supervisor (which is all too common in our communications) sends me into a tailspin - so I’ve just been avoiding opening the emails altogether! Any recommendations on how I can alleviate my anxiety and face my…
As long as people of colour have the opportunity to move (and are not forced into moving - as some may be uncomfortable right up at the front), I am all for this! It’s her show, it’s her prerogative, it’s calling attention to racial inequalities - YES on all fronts.
Got all teary-eyed reading these statements aloud. Ladies using their platforms for social change - YES PLEASE!
I’m loving the height disparity in the Reese/J-Law picture. It looks like munchkin Reese is looking up to a giantess (which is true IRL, but probably not to the level that this picture portrays).
Director Ti West does very good slow-burn horror films with very few jump scares. I hate the jump scares. Mostly because I jump, gasp, and then get reaaallllll cranky that I fell for it.
THAT’S what I want to watch tonight. The atmosphere and the building tension?! Also, I love me a scared Kidman.