
Is it a crazy idea to convert some of the A-10 fleet into drones? Boeing has done a pretty cool job with the QF-16 and a CAS drone with A-10 punch could be an interesting use if they are going to insist on scrapping them. Or hell, give them to the Army? Seems like a waste of good hardware.

Also, opps, "recommended" my

“SVP stands for “специализированная вычислительная подсистема””

This is the way that America says, “fuck you, you do not have the ability or the financial means to compete with us”. Still, world beating.... still, not allowed to say by how much... just...

I have absolutely zero interest in that information.

Oh, right.

They do all kinds of things. I had a teacher in H.S. that flew F-15 in the first Gulf War.

Your statement is false.

A closed mind is an inflexible mind.

You know, they have free time.

I haven’t seen it yet, I just did a YouTube search and then there’s an arrowish symbol that lets you Copy a Link... Then you paste it. It may not work if you’re in the grey, still don’t know why you are... If you respond to me I’ll always turn you black.

> China more fears massive waves of NK refugees.

If you’re going to criticize, then suggest a better way of liberating a city from ISIS hands.

“You have no idea what are,and how old are,Balkans.”

Wow, who would have guessed it? You have even less of an clue about what you’re talking about, than usual...

The wing stationed here’s motto was “Ugly but hung!"

The aging A-7 Corsair II, nicknamed the SLUF as in Short Little Ugly Fucker

So those are terrorist homing rockets, right?