
I’m sorry, but referncing anything at Breibart automatically excludes you from the “To Be Taken Seriously” category.


It’s always been a quasi-theory of mine that Syria was always a trap set for Putin to bumble into, and once he did, turn it into Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 2.0.

Alright: HABFM is High Aspect Basic Fighter Maneuvering, there’s two parts of HA fights, that’s before the “merge” (Aka pass or whatever you want to call it), then you have things like scissors (where the aircraft are always rolling around trying to slow down relative to another), its called high aspect because you’re

And the PAK FA will never go into production. At least not for Russia. Maybe India will end up with a few. But the fact is that we have 187 F-22s and could build more if a Republican wins the next election. Russia will never have more than a dozen PAK-FAs.

Meanwhile, in advanced Russian economy:

Now playing

Shit, our latest 5th gen fighter isn’t yet in service, and they are thinking of a 6th generation aircraft!? I wonder what would commercial for F-35 look like? Probably like this:

Islamic extremists hate BACN.

I dunno man, that looks like it’s based on the tried but true Wheels-N-Track system Hasbro perfected back in the 80s...

Keep smoking. That so called ‘cancer’ thing is a hoax. They just want to control your behavior.

“I see you’re passing the sound barrier”

Chris Christie clearing his colon?

Yeah ...

I don’t know how many times people have to tell your dumbass this VERY EASILY VERIFIED POINT: the “other crew” left Iraq due to the “original crews’” decision to enter an agreement to withdraw US forces pursuant to IRAQI DEMANDS. US asked to stay IF and ONLY IF American forces were not subject to Iraqi law and

I find the B-1B to be very attractive, but I will never understand the planekakke subculture.

Did you know that the Coast Guard was there? Check out this for more information:

Our head diplomat made a diplomatic statement about a touchy diplomatic situation!? That’s just crazy!

I believe people have a hard time understanding how difficult this really is.