
I find Jess's lameness pretty endearing, I admit, but it would all work a lot better if the show would admit how lame he is and not flip out so hard about his ~badness~. It's a pretty good prank, actually, if the entire point is proving how tiny and insane Stars Hollow is. How many towns can actually do a roll call to

Both of these episodes have sub-plots with a weird thematic whiff of punishing non-conformists simply for not conforming, not even for doing anything harmful. Frankly, Rory reading at lunch could well be considered positive, especially by a school prepping students for Ivy League educations. It shows her dedication

I kind of love her being named Shane. In my head, Jess only dates girls with boys' names. The slut shaming was pretty gross, especially because it came from Luke as well. What would have been great, though? Rory actually getting to know Shane, the girl from the other side of the tracks in Stars Hollow. It would be an

Getting employee of the month at Wal-Mart! Watch out for that one, girls. He might punch in for a full shift, if you know what I mean.

That's definitely true, but I think they angle at Jess being more potentially dangerous than he actually is in a way that undermines the show and characters at times. Lorelai freaking out about how Jess has "enemies" and could get her in "trouble" is laughably over the top as a reaction to him (particularly since the

Hey now, he lives on the edge. Gnome stealing and sidewalk chalking isn't for the weak of heart.

I have always been convinced that Milo V was wearing a padding muscle shirt this entire episode. Those shoulders really do not appear again in the series.

Agreed. The show wants to set up a narrative that Jess is the ~bad boyfriend~, but they honestly don't do much to support it.

Jess is ridiculously cartoonish in his first appearance, but I feel like I can spin it as deliberate on his part. His goal is to get sent back to NYC or get Luke to flat out give up, so he's going to act as bratty as humanly possible without actually doing anything dangerous to try to force the issue.

I'd always heard they were asked to tone Bashir and Garak down, so that may be some of why there wasn't much on that front, but it's still disappointing. I would have at least liked a "There may be hope for you yet" directed at Bashir with maybe more approval than usual, or even a slight touch of trepidation.

"and presumably there were times over the run of the series when his super smarts and skills would’ve been useful. Yet, nothing springs immediately to mind "

I too really dislike Dean, but I agree. I love the show, but one of my recurring issues with it is how they push this fairy-floss world so far past cute that it is sometimes genuinely disturbing. Stars Hollow's festivals and good cheer and small town atmosphere are always enjoyable, even when ridiculous. Its gossip is

Heroes was always gorgeous. I can absolutely see the similarity in crafting scenes between the two shows. And, actually, I feel like I can hear some similarity in the soundtracks. The use of low chimes in particular reminds me of some of the discordant Sylar-related music. Then again, that may just be that discordant

Having seen the episode, it's absolutely not relevant or on-the-nose regarding any current events whatsoever. I'm cynical enough to think it was pulled because it's just not very good.

Lecter makes breakfast for dinner! He's a man after Swanson's own heart!

Heliphyneau, that is the ending of my dreams. All it needs is a either Vick putting on glasses with lens flare or a department-wide freeze frame laugh/high five. Maybe with a blurred pastel color palette while Shawn turns to the camera and winks?

Aside from the horrible portrayal of Shirley and Shirley's marriage, where apparently it was all good until that hussy showed up except for the part where Andre didn't give a crap about their kids enough to leave a bar to take them home, I think my biggest sticking point is Abed's idea of predestination. He chose the

I kind of feel like all the drama about how Shawn isn't really psychic is a betrayal of their theme song. "I know you know I'm not telling the truth." Come on.

Being a perpetual and methodical liar doesn't make Shawn a bad person. Being a perpetual and methodical liar who lies in service of his own narcissism and with full knowledge that he is hurting people and breaking the law does. Shawn got a perfect on the detective's exam as a teenager. Given the fact that this is a

I really like Hank too and I hope they can find something to do with him. I thought they had a really good arc with him in the first half of the season, simultaneously highlighting the humanity of the Wesen while exposing the inhumanity of the Grimms in the past. He doesn't have to have a superpower to get meaty stuff