
The layout is way more natural feeling to me. I always felt like a robot playing DDR, this game felt more like an actual dance.

Yeah, cause this is the perfect time to pick up and relocate your family.

Yeah, cause this is the perfect time to pick up and relocate your family.

Does rent count? Because this is definitely covering 3/4 of my rent this month (assuming the check ever comes to begin with)

Does rent count? Because this is definitely covering 3/4 of my rent this month (assuming the check ever comes to

I had never heard of Round 1. Looks like there is one about an hour away from me which I’ll have to make a special trip to now at some point (when they reopen obviously).

So much better than DDR. Played this a ton in highschool, but sadly haven’t seen a machine in the wild for a looooong time.

Nope, they are all wearing skirts. No exceptions.

Most Americans want socialist programs. They just don’t want it to be called “socialism”.

At the camp I attended they would mix every Slush Puppie flavor together for 2 dollars more. It was called a “Dead and Bloated”.

I like the good old medicine flavored energy drinks. Coca Cola’s Full Throttle is still the best

That costs extra.

I how long it’ll be until you can put on a VR helmet and plop your ass down in the bleachers to watch.

Had a 2010 Passat with the same engine. Lovely engine with plenty of power. Also the infotainment screen, though low res and resistive touch, was way better and more responsive than the hot garbage in my gs350.

Its an ugly rear. Also why block the bottom quarter of the rear window with more unnecessary body panels? Weird over styling.

Fast forward a few years and every studio is going to debut their own shittier versions of GeForce Now that they can charge for and that no one will use.

The ghosts of horse armor still abound.

Wow, it’s so unlike google to develop something neat and then immediately let it die from neglect.

That sucks. 12:30 AM and crunching in Modo. Really starting to hate polygons.

God, I wish.

The majority of us absolutely do need flashy logos.