It’s exactly how you think. Don’t eat or drink anything and try to sweat out all of your water weight. 25lbs in a few days is crazy brutal. Khabib needs to trim some muscle or go up a weight class like Rumble Johnson did.
It’s exactly how you think. Don’t eat or drink anything and try to sweat out all of your water weight. 25lbs in a few days is crazy brutal. Khabib needs to trim some muscle or go up a weight class like Rumble Johnson did.
It’s really rough to say that the best Jets team this decade was lead by Mark Sanchez.
God that’s such a ridiculous cut. I wanted to die cutting half of that.
I still have a functional R-Zone with a few games. It’s really, really terrible. Even 11 year old me knew it was garbage, but somehow it survives.
Everyone I know that doesn’t like beer loves the taste of Sam Adams Cherry Wheat. It’s super disgusting.
That’s good to hear. Hopefully Vega stays that course.
But we need to know how many colors could be seen by the human eye “it” happened!
Most outlets did, though microcenter has been selling the 7700k at $299 for awhile. I hope the prices can stay low for another cycle or two.
Right, but we aren’t talking about multi-threaded workloads. I’m specifically replying about game framerates. Otherwise I do agree with you.
The articles you posted agree with me so I’m not quite sure what your point is. Unless you misread my post.
Yeah I was replying specifically about fps gains. Obviously multi threaded rendering is a completely different story.
Either way, it’s not $500.00 more for the Intel chip.
I hope not. I know they’ve been better about fixing bugs for single GPU solutions. I used to run HD6870's in crossfire which was a royal mess to get working. I have high hopes for good Vega cards.
I replied to a post specifically speaking about gaining fps. If anyone is buying the chips you mentioned for gaming then they have serious issues.
Which is why I would never buy CPUs from those sites. Microcenter is always cheaper.
Half the price of what? An i7-7700k is $299 and a i7-6700k is $259.
AMD still has a lot of work to do on the driver end if they ever want my money for a GPU again.
AIM was such a game changer. High School would have been so much shittier without it.
Only because of the ham. Pineapple on pizza is delicious.
I wonder what percentage of people actually keep prize cars. It’s gotta be pretty low.