This opinion is objectively wrong and your family should feel shame along many generations for having it.
This opinion is objectively wrong and your family should feel shame along many generations for having it.
This opinion is objectively wrong and your family should feel shame along many generations for having it.
This opinion is objectively wrong and your family should feel shame along many generations for having it.
The DNC are the heroes of garbage time.
I think we need to start a conservative blog and find out. I’d love to see what kind of deranged email and tweets they get.
Mmmmm, switch Puppets and Kill’Em All in my opinion.
No one is stopping you from collecting precious vinyl (or cassette, CD, 8-Track, whathaveyou). It’s still hard, and those used copies still exist. Just remember that serious collectors are the minority.
I rolled my ankle just watching this.
Civ V wasn’t really any good until Gods and Kings came out.
I bet you clicked on both of them, didn’t you?
Can we all just agree that Gruden is a stupid dumbshit who says “gutty” when he means “gutsy”?
Go back to your safe space, dipshit.
Ask a condescending question, receive a condescending answer.
Assigning cool is the first step toward hipsterism.
If you’re active in local politics start campaigning for progressives in your state government. Support agendas for a constitutional convention (a lot of headway has been made here in the past few years). Basic stuff that most of you should have been doing years ago.
While you throw temper tantrums, the adults rebuild.
That oughta unite the party.
Go home, Pete.
Back when I did quite a bit a running, having a smoke beforehand always made it more enjoyable.
People said the same thing about Sagan. They were also wrong.