
How much of the $25,000 is because of how much time and effort they put into the camera bag and instruction book?

Chasing the dragon, Nasa?

It should be pointed out that this ban is only for INTERNATIONAL shipments. So you can still ship a phone within the 50 states.

Always include a cover letter. At a previous job, I would filter through job applications. It was so easy to filter out candidates for failing to following the simple instructions of submitting a resume and cover letter. Some cover letters were submitted that were obviously form letters because they would something

I have always been bothered by how superheroes seem to have little regard for damaging property when they're fighting. Like how Superman will break off a concrete tower and use it to slam a villain, that is basically impervious anyway. So what was the point of destroying a landmark to bash a guy that is just going to

"This is not an FAA restriction; they are simply responding to the overwhelming majority of their customers, who prefer silent communications to the public nature of Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP) calls."

If you ever have to fight off an alien invasion, all you have to do is shoot the the very delicate part that is usually right in the center of the mother ship, on the bottom side for easy access. This might be an exhaust port or part of their main weapon. Either way, it will definitely be there and as soon as you hit

I'm no legal expert but I don't a think any legal contract will absolve a person from prosecution for causing a person's death... Sign on the dotted line and we can legally kill you... That's never going to be legal.

Not Pringles. Those are not potato chips.

My problem with potato chip bags is that they get tossed around and smashed into each other in packaging, handling and putting them on the shelf. That makes a bunch of chips break and gives you a bag that is half broken chips. I really like the large unbroken chips and don't like the little broken chips that end up at

That photo of the screaming porn chick will always be hilarious to me, no matter how many times it is used.

Yes, you're missing something. It was inside a trailer that obviously did float.

Are they trying to outdo Netflix in the terrible idea category?

derp, I meant if spelling you name with numbers...

Wow, I bet Apple could train all the engineers they needed to move their manufacturing back to the United States with $2.4 Billion... Nah...

And if spelling you name with with letters was a Federal offense, you would be serving a life sentence right now.

Huge LOL at the about 2:39 when the van screeches to stop before hitting the little girl zombie, rolls down the windows, blows her brains out.

If the school would have been using regular, non-Apple laptops, it probably would have only been around $3,000 damage.

I hate when I answer the phone at my work and the person that I don't know starts the conversation with "How are you doing?"... Just get to the point of your call please.

The battery still won't last very long.