
I'm sure these quadcopters would not do well against a wet towel. However if you ever ended up having to defend yourself against these things, you will probably run out of towels long before they run out of quadcopters.

And when this breaks open, leaving you stuck outside with a wet coat and pants, you will wish you had just bought the real thing.. Or better gloves.

I just drop an oil slick

I think we should use a candy thermometer, they are much larger, and this particular one is not tapered on the end.

This is going to make Hulu & Netflix change their system so that it's more difficult to use one subscription on more than 1 computer.

We should tell them about lolcats while we are at it.

obligatory Idiocracy reference...

Sure the device is only $900, but you know they make all their money on the test strips.

Notice the bully's jacket appears to say "Dirty Avengers"

Now playing

This just popped up recently. This chick is asking out Jeremy Lin, even though she doesn't quite know who he is. She thinks he's a black guy that plays for the Giants.

So eat a smaller one.

FU!!! Chipotle burritos are awesome. I've eaten 100s of them and haven't had a problem eating them vertically yet.

The next revolution in interface will be with devices that read brain waves. So you would be able communicate with others and control your devices without talking or touching a screen or keyboard. Using this, people could carry on a conversation while standing right next to each other without anyone knowing, as well

Radio waves start to freeze at -50°C

We get the maybe biggest increase in technology, manufacturing and jobs the U.S. has seen in a long time. A lot of that spending goes into the pockets of American workers and corporations.

A moon colony is actually something I would fully support. Moon colony, large scale space station, orbiting ship yards, all that stuff.

That's weird. I'm entering the exact address, the same address the link function provides if you wanted to share it on Digg...

Publishers are dumb to think that they are missing out on money because of the used market. A publisher deserves no part of a used game sale. Just like Honda deserves no part of the sale when I sell my car as used. Honda got money when my car was bought new and that's all they deserve for that sale.

The Rock Obama skit from SNL October 17, 2009...