Aphex Ninja

I completely agree — but hold out hope that my generation (Generation Y, the Millenials, basically the people who grew up when the Internet started to become big) — Will change politics as we know it, and stop this bipartisan bickering that leads this country into a steaming pile of shit.

Considering how 13 went... they got some work to do.

I promise you this — if he does get elected — I will move to Canada. Hahaha

Any woman who agrees with Peta's terrorists views isn't fap worthy anyhow... that goes for you Sasha Gray......

I would HATE playing them. Hahaha

That's honestly a beautiful looking place — Most of the middle east is — sad there's so much violence.

Holy shit that'd be one hell of an experience — In that time it'd be so easy to think you were possessed by demons or something. Haha — Hell, that happens today when people knowingly take too much Hallucinogens! Hahaha

As a graphic designer, and avid font enthusiast — this is easily one of the most unique, and interesting fonts I've ever seen. I'd totally use it on a few things! I want it now!!

Not sure — if they swallowed it in the dark — there'd be no light to make an image on it. If they swallowed it in the light, there'd be no image on it.... =P

That's pretty ingenious, not going to lie. Well done gentlemen!

Hahahahaha, the featured comments had me rolling.

Haha, The Onion is the best.

I think Facebook makes the CIA, NSA, FBI, and Police super excited.

All I did while reading this article was laugh — people generally don't smell that great — it's why we try so hard to cover it up. Sure, back in the day, pheromones and all that were the rave — but today, I'd rather smell a good perfume or cologne than sweat... lol

Haha, I made sure to include the (most of the time) for this very reason. ; )

Any woman who goes after dumbass guys who are obviously not in the relationship for anything other than sex — Are woman most men shouldn't even bother with / give a damn about.

You honestly think Iran has the latest technology and materials? Let alone the ability to put them together in a cohesive package? I mean come on, they ripped off the cobra design pretty blatantly already! Haha

You nailed it on the head — My point was that anyone smoking in private is a-okay, and doesn't harm anyone — However, because of its legal standing, it poses a huge threat and harm to society. Not the other way around.

Victimless crimes are stupid — and shouldn't exist.

Slide #2 makes me so jealous... damn cops, always finding the party.