
Um, I believe the correct term is "colored"

Or, ya know, they're dumber.

Playgirl. And sometimes GQ.

Based on the bewildered comments, I think this proves unequivocally that the women who visit Jezebel do not look at porn, despite their protestations.

Stop slut shaming, please!

Itz cuz ur fat, Lena

Same could be said of your vag. SNAP!

She stayed with Weiner because she's a sexual deviant, just like he is. This shit turns her on - I happen to know for a fact.

Going back to my original statement - as I said, if the roles are reversed, I think it's fair to assume no one would say, "oh look, classic case of men being made second fiddle." Why? Because, that no what that statement implies at all. If anything, it's the opposite. If you disagree, please explain.

So much for the patriarchy.

Hey, that's just how I feel...

That's stupid. If I were to say, "Men make women better," would you feel the same way? That men are taking a back seat to the story of their lives? Somehow, I doubt it.

Hey, woman who's saying shit I don't like, STFU. Classic.

Wow, the knives come out, huh. Interesting how quickly men get mocked and dismissed here.

Basically, David Brooks is a queer.

Women need saving too, says young woman blog.

She looks like an f'ing rhinoceros, AMIRIGHT????

Lea Michele's nose is so big! Perfect for coke snorting.

I like it OK, but it's really sloppy (much like Weeds). I would not classify it as a GFS by any means.

I just feel like it's less enjoyable to beat a hooker to dead as a woman. I'm not sure why that is... Anyone?