I got a perfume bottle stuck in my vagina and had to wake my parents to be taken to the emergency room to get it taken out, to their very great embarrassment.
I got a perfume bottle stuck in my vagina and had to wake my parents to be taken to the emergency room to get it taken out, to their very great embarrassment.
Ohhhh I hope my sister doesn't mind me sharing all this.
Right, because Black and White and Populous sucked, not to mention how god awful Fable was!
The medical community ARE cautious with allergic reactions. They don't use their patients as labrats. Allergic reactions are extremely varied in different people, and can be nearly impossible to find before a person is afflicted, depending on it's type. There isn't a universal test that will show all your allergies,…
Since that wasn't an official Mojang convention, it is doubtful that the Microsoft funded Minecon 2015 would have financial issues.
I thought naming my company HyperLeoCorp would save it from any wrongdoing. Video game development simulator Mad…
"I'm sorry I badgered, bullied, and threatened you into an abortion you didn't really want to have" is leagues away from "I'm sorry I didn't save MY child."
I must admit, it's the lack of comments that's killed it for me. Especially if it's an article on both the US and UK site.
Over Christmas and New Years I spent time catching up on games I'd missed throughout the year. But there was one…
ah those be Munchies, y0u can buy mint or caramel ones :)
My favorite snack from the UK:
I realize you mean well, but don't pathologize someone who's asexual. It's like telling a gay person that they'd be straight if they'd get checked out by their doctor or met the right partner .
Not sure if serious... If you are, I guess you don't remember the Steam races thst were being rigged by Reddit. Valve had to mea culpa on that occasion too.
Even at 100, Magikarps stats are pretty garbage. So it's still an achievement.
Sounds more like you're an asshole than someone breached the rules of common decency.
Nice! Where did the term "wombo combo" come from? Like, did it exist before this video and what does it actually mean?
Once there are more than like one or two examples of representation, we can get more varied characters as well.
Wow, reading the comments... I did not expect hate down here. That's sad.