
I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption.

Most people weren't mad at Gwen Stefani because she wrote a "song inspired by Japanese street culture." They were mad because she literally used Asian women as accessories.

I thought it was pronounced that way too! Also a Brit, there is no Chipotle in Scotland that I know of. :-(

You have a handful of situations where you've been made uncomfortable because of your race/sex. That sucks and isn't excusable. But, on the other side, for those who aren't white and male, it's a never ending list of situations and places where you can be made uncomfortable because of it. And if you're not straight,

Good job reading the article man! Good job indeed!

in lieu of a generic avatar

What could being gay possibly have to do with video games, where your gender, race and sexual preference are INTENTIONALLY stripped from you, in lieu of a generic avatar that let's your gaming ability and not all that nonsense talk for you?

Yup. You will never be discriminated against in the workplace or denied basic human rights due to your sexuality.

Wait . . . wut?

They didn't. That was one party. Otherwise the convention was held in downtown San Francisco's Intercontinental Hotel.


Someone needs to tag Ray from Achievement Hunter...

Ray would not be having any of this map

In reality: no, they don't, and the evidence for this stacks up from a dozen different angles: the difference in compensation rates for sex workers and porn actors, depending on whether they're a woman having sex with men or a man having sex with women; the market success of Viagra/Cialis and the market failure of its

Gonna go ahead and file this under "exceptions to the rule."

As a person who has had CPS called on me by an abusive POS relative who I refused to allow my infant son to know (for obvious reasons) - go fuck yourself asshole. CPS isn't there for you to deal with a problematic living situation that happens to involve a child and a bitchy ex.

well, nothing beats BEING homosexual as far as I've heard!

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone at that lovely ass."