
I see... well, I can't say I agree with you, but best of luck with that. I'm not sure to what degree the game will actually be moddable, but there have been so many good mods for DAO and DA2 so I do hope it's possible.

Well, I suppose we will see how the their sexualities are treated when the game comes out. I'm unwilling to damn them until then, and as they've received a fair amount of criticism on this topic I think it's very possible they've taken it on board.

Yup, pansexuality emphatically includes attraction to anyone who doesn't fit into the male-female gender/sex binary, such as agender, intersex or genderqueer individuals. Some people reject the term bisexuality because it supposedly reinforces the idea there are only 2 sexes or genders, but some people feel

Apparently so! I've never seen one myself, though. I suppose my sense of humor is not sophisticated enough.

I am not sure if you are merely making a joke on the double entendre of asexual while being aware of the concept of asexuality in regard to human sexuality... if you are not, perhaps the linked article will be of use; if you are, I have ruined your joke, and in that case I apologise.

Nah, sex and romance do not necessarily go hand in hand. While many people feel both romantic and sexual attraction, a minority only experience one of the two, or neither. Asexuality has become more visible in recent years, and it's now often considered part of the LGBT+ spectrum. The people who are asking for asexual

I wouldn't do it here (think of the children) but there's no law against whipping discs out in the privacy of your own home.

Oh cool, thanks for the tip!

Too bad it's got to be a registered digital copy, according to the EA FAQ. I was about to whip out my old Sims 2 disc.

Well, I'm not exactly an expert on sleep problems (I only covered it briefly in a psychology module on insomnia), but my first advice would be to make sure you're practicing good sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene is a number of rules designed to optimise your physical and psychological state for sleep, such as by avoiding

Honestly, I'm kind of glad Kotaku hasn't written too much about DA:I. Most of the comments on an article about DA end up being unrelated to anything in the article itself, instead mainly being about how DA2 sucked and EA's gonna screw everything up and Bioware are pandering to gay people etc. etc.

By all means, if someone indicates to me that they identify as a lesbian and do not want to be called gay, I am happy to adhere to that. When speaking with others I will use the terms they have indicated they prefer. But as I said, both my lesbian friends use gay and lesbian to refer to themselves. When they speak of

Gay literally means homosexual and can therefore be used to refer to gay women as well as men. Two of my lesbian friends use gay and lesbian interchangeably to describe themselves and that's pretty standard from what I've seen.

It mattered enough for you to make comments about it, apparently.

I wasn't bashing. I as much as said in my second paragraph that I had no problem with it (and even more, consider it worthy news and something to be celebrated). The fact that other sites have reported on the same news is not terribly relevant considering we're commenting on Kotaku's article rather than anywhere else.

They've been leaking a whole ton of character info over the past few weeks, mostly about character backgrounds and personalities. The fact Dorian is gay was not specifically being singled out for PR, that's Gawker.

There is also Sera from Dragon Age: Inquisition. She's a woman who can only be romanced by female PCs, which presumably means she is a lesbian. This fact was announced prior to the announcement that Dorian is gay also, so even ignoring the KOTOR example pointed out in the article, Dorian is not the first "true gay".

It's not just fizzy water, it's bitter fizzy water!

Groundbreaking thought: maybe some girls and women don't want to look at lesbian porn just to reassure themselves their bodies are normal. That would include me, an asexual woman. While it's lovely that lesbian porn is apparently more diverse, that doesn't mean this sort of resource has little or no value. These days