Newsflash: no man under the age of 28 is responsible for their actions! It's SCIENCE!
Newsflash: no man under the age of 28 is responsible for their actions! It's SCIENCE!
Definitely. Sure, it could have been better - don't go in thinking it'll be perfect - but a lot of it was funny and exciting and beautiful and awesome, and I have very high hopes for season 2.
Hey, you can try it for free on Kongregate. Obviously it doesn't have all the features of the full version.
I've accidentally shaved my nails a bunch of times too! Not when shaving down there, though. One time I dropped my razor from chest height, instinctually tried to catch it (what a stupid idea) and then fumbled and dropped it several times as it fell. I had several cuts to my nails and a few on my fingers from that.…
OH MY GOD NO. Now I have an image in my head and it is never going to go away. Thanks for the nightmares!
I see, thanks for the explanation :) In that case, Doug needs to go through the article and change every du to de...
Ok, so the only question that's coming to mind for me is, is it Belle DE Jour or Belle DU Jour? And which is actually correct in French? Belle du Jour sounds better to me but I'm no fluent francophone.
I don't think you're bitter - I feel the same way when family members post messages on Facebook for my grandfather, who passed away earlier this year. I'm a terrible cynic so I often think they're just doing it for likes and comments.
Hey, at least they didn't buy this one:
We have a town crier in my town, though I often forget about it because he only seems to show up on special occasions. I think he also does ghost walks over halloween. They're about as embarrassingly quaint a tradition as morris dancers.
It's not surprising they don't have 2013 rates on their website, after all the mother does not need to pay any of these costs as far as I am aware so it's not really useful data for the general public. 'Course, it would be good to be transparent so we all know how they're spending our taxes, but I think there are…
I'd hazard a guess that the majority of households in the UK don't contain young children. Why should the default cater to the minority? Houses don't come pre-childproofed, that's a parent's responsibility. I wouldn't be opposed to these blocks if they were only default on in public places like wi-fi hotspots and…
When I heard about this, it reminded me of that argument that denying kids alcohol or sex ed will end up being harmful in the end. It's more important to educate kids about the lack of realism etc. and how to be responsible with porn than to block it and pretend it's not a problem anymore.
On everything else (games consoles, iPhones etc.) parental controls are by default off and you have to opt in. I don't see why it should be any different for this.
I've had similar experiences, though largely outside of uni (I went to a really progressive uni for a short time and there were a lot of types who just weren't into partying and/or drinking, and nobody ever commented on that, though I wasn't really close enough to anyone there for anyone to be able to comment on it).…
Most people find the real time aspect charming. Playing for a short time every day means the game can last you for a year or more; it's intended to be a game with a pretty slow pace where it's not really rewarding to binge play (unless you time travel) and then quit for long periods of time.
X was my first Final Fantasy game and got me totally hooked on the franchise, on gaming, on J-RPGs and on Japanese culture as a whole. Some people didn't like it, and X-2 in particular has a terrible reputation (one I think is largely undeserved - my memory is a bit hazy but I think I played X-2 more times than I ever…
I use the balloon set, but only because it's a really easy set to collect early on and I wanted to start getting some HHA points. It's ugly as hell so I hid it away in my upstairs room and I never go up there. Can't wait to build up some better sets and throw out all the balloon stuff.
Hm, the Rice Grasshopper might actually be a bug I was unaware of. The information on the Animal Crossing wiki for Rice Grasshopper conflicts with that of's Katydid so possibly there's a mix up. If the Animal Crossing wiki is correct, the Rice Grasshopper won't show up until August, and IGN and…
Eh, whatever floats your boat. Personally, I wanted to be as efficient as possible because I found beetle hunting tedious after a time (I sometimes do it while watching TV to keep from getting bored, but then I'm distracted and scare away bugs and fish accidentally), but it was the most lucrative source of revenue…