You could also do the same thing with a spool (after you use the thread of course). Just take a saw an cut a couple of notches in the spool and you should be good to go.
You could also do the same thing with a spool (after you use the thread of course). Just take a saw an cut a couple of notches in the spool and you should be good to go.
How am I supposed to get help with my farm in Farmville? I need those fake friends =)
I've been using an app like this for a while. "Honk" is another iOS app that has a lot of the same features. One of the other options with Honk is that not only can you take a picture of your parking location, you write a note on top of the picture. It has the GPS, Meter information, etc. and for half the price.
Is there a way I can temporarily change the MAC address on my jailbroken iPhone so that I can access my company's WiFi?
What are your top five apps for a jailbroken iDevice?
What are your top 5 must have Apps for iOS?
Crazy. I still remember when Penn Jillette and his wife named their first born "Moxie Crimefighter Jillette". Still have to shake my head about naming your child "like".
Alpine... my old stomping grounds. Grew up there and since moved north.
I never said the ADA doesn't have a place in society. It's the trolls who go out and hire a lawyer (or are lawyers themselves) and look for ADA violations just to make a quick buck. This seems like a similar situation - Lodsys is trolling trying to prey on small-time developers to shake them down for money. Just like…
I remember that. I couldn't remember exactly where in our "great" state that happened, but now I know. Wasn't Julian one of the places that guy targeted? I mean come on... a historic mining town needs to be ADA compliant? Really?
This sounds like the same situation that happened in California within the past couple of years, once they passed ADA laws. "Disabled" people would go to small mom and pop businesses that weren't compliant with the ADA laws and would threaten a lawsuit unless they paid a "settlement" fee. Basically, they scared the…
I finally stepped over to the dark side and have jailbroken my iphone. Any software suggestions I should try from Cydia?
So THAT'S why pallets out back of my work are constantly being stolen. Should have know it was for the shoes...
I ran into an issue jailbreaking to current 4.3.3. using Redsn0w... seems to have jailbroken fine, but the Cydia icon is white. When I tap on it, it acts like it's starting and then immediately closes. I've tried reinstalling / jailbreaking, but to no avail. Any ideas? #openthread #jailbreak
Question: Do I need to do the software update from Apple e.g. to 4.3.3 or can I just go ahead and use the IPSW 4.3.3 file? #openthread
Taking cyberstalking to a whole new level.
As with anything, it would depend. Online retailers may not have the same overhead as traditional brick and mortar locations and would probably still extend some sort of savings. However, if the S/H and the tax add up to being a wash with buying local, I think I would want the instant gratification.
Thanks MadMax for the info. I'm getting pretty excited thinking about my phone's liberation =).