
I use the .txt file trick as well. I like to add an asterisk to the front of the file name so that it appears at the top of the list. E.G. *If Found.txt.

If you have self control, it's good to keep the accounts open as the credit bureaus look at the debt to equity ratio as a major part of the FICO score. For instance a zero balance on a card with a $15,000 limit looks a lot better than a card with a $10,000 balance with a $15,000 limit. If you pay off your cards,

Smashing Magazine has a good article about "Invoicing Like a Pro". Nice follow-up to Gina's article: []

@acidrain69: Unfortunately, they're cutting them on "used" cards too. I had one of my cards credit lines reduced by 60% after they doubled my interest rate for "economic reasons". Sad, too. I never missed a payment, paid more than the minimum payment and used that card as my primary card. One of their competitors was

@Rowin Andruscavage: Rowin, you say that you get extra interest of "float" in your savings account. Considering most savings accounts offer a whopping 1-2% apr, are you making a ton of money in the float? Or do you have a higher interest account? I'm just wondering if I don't have my money in the right accounts.

How does this program compare to that of Zillow? is this just a different alternative that uses the same information, or does it have better features?

Doh! The link is outdated =/

I only see Movie Links, no TV. Am I missing something? There's an episode of Las Vegas I'd really like to catch.

Speaking of scams, I recently saw a news story about purchasing gift cards from major retailers. What thieves are doing is copying down the numbers from gift cards that are publicly available at check out counters or elsewhere in the store. They wait a few days and then they call to "check the balance" of the card. If


As mentioned earlier, ANYTHING can be posted. I've happened upon some sites that definitely fall under the NSFW category.