Clinton-Dix Jokes

Except that, in the Thunder’s case, they built their core in three years and were in the Western Conference Finals in that third season and the finals the following year.

Slow your roll, jesushorse. No one should have to repent for anything written, at least until the Sixers are actually good. Remember, The Process was supposed to be about positioning the Sixers to win championships. Let’s at least wait for them to be actually good before we start doing any touchdown dances, you know?

the thing is—none of this matters because LeBron James

I assume now that guy wakes up the next morning to find out that he is now The Freeze.

The guy that came to test him was drinking too.

So he was right then?

just think how long it took the giraffe to swallow his pride!

Billy you really out-Billy’d yourself with this bloviating trash. I mean get a load of this fucking “sentence”:

Billy Haisley wrote all the words and doesn’t have much to show for it.

Read his old articles and tell him what he wants to hear. He will then publish your story.

.... in a house way back up in the woods.

I was born a poor, black child...

Is it just me or did both hands touch the ball at the same time right before he beat lebron left?

Won’t someone think of how this story upsets the good UK fans?

This could revolutionize the manner in which University of New Mexico sports programs remain non-competitive in their leagues.

He’s just taking a few weeks off to spawn. After that he’ll be right back to jackin’ it like the rest of us.

I’m sorry I had no idea MVP standed for most victorious player.

That was at harper’s hip, not his head. If it was intentional (which I think it was), it was where it should be. Strickland is bad because he’s ineffective and a hot head but a goon?

You turn the thermostat down to turn the AC up. Come on, this is first grade stuff!