Clinton-Dix Jokes

You might have a point:

I don’t understand why they just don’t put up a sign like they do for moose and deer to let them know where to cross, letting the birds know that it’s a stadium and not the sky.

Amazingly, the dazed birds were cleared to fly again only minutes later, after passing through the NFL’s (very rigorous) Avian Concussion Protocol.

What do you expect from a bunch of bird-brained idiots?

How long is the Healing Process™ for an injury like that?

She’s amazing. MOST of her speech was amazing, but...

Lakers brass has reportedly expressed excitement over Lavar’s comments noting “If he only wants to play for the Lakers and we end up drafting him, that means he’ll be happy to be a Laker.”

I keep rolling the dice with Uber when we go to downtown DC (or when I’d had surgery and had an office party with MisterDisco to attend in Alexandria) and keep rolling winning combos. Maybe my luck will run out, but for now, I’ll stick with Uber.

Bingo. DC is a cesspool when it comes to Taxis. I’ve had a driver take me 1/4 of the way home, pull over and make me get out because somebody in the street screamed a higher rate than I was paying (neither of which were the legally approved rates mind you). Uber or Lyft in the DC Metro Area are far more trustworthy

The “trunk filled with junk” is SO common in the taxi industry. I have seen it hundreds of times. I’ll take Uber any day!

You can deduct a percentage of all of that!

I love Uber purely for the fact that it’s killing the taxi industry. I could write a 100 page book of all the shitty cab experiences I’ve had.

I remember a cab ride from Manhattan to LGA that included driving over 70 mph on city streets.

This is an incredibly blind and biased read and I didn’t even get past the halfway mark. Driving with uber seems incredibly profitable if you do it in your part time like it’s designed. As an independent contractor you have a number of tax deductions to save you money on your car, maintenance, and mileage. The author

I get a good laugh whenever people claim that Uber is more dangerous than taxis. I’ve had experiences in cabs with drunk/sleepy drivers, coked out drivers, creepy old men, drivers who are smoking, etc. On more than one occasion I’ve had to ask a cab driver to pull over and let me out and then call another cab. And the

And that you get an upfront price and you know you can pay with a credit card

Your writing ability is excellent, but your knowledge of business and law are lacking.

the only benefit that uber provides is the increased likelihood that a ride will be available when i’m far from any semblance of civilization, and drunk.