Fine, we are white. What the fuck do you want us to do about it?
Fine, we are white. What the fuck do you want us to do about it?
Isn’t “pissing all over The Concourse” what Hamilton Nolan does every week?
herding cats vs herding sheep
For what it’s worth, I’m super white and my favorite Chappelle sketches are, in no particular order: The Player Hater’s Ball, World Series of Dice, and Charlie Murphy’s True Hollywood stories.
And I do wish that Cosby didn’t turn out to be a rapist. That hurts my soul. But it’s a good example of why we shouldn’t put…
It’s more the attitude behind the entirety of the sentiment. The notion that there needs to be a bunch of time taken for people to come to some much deep, reverent appreciation of someone’s culture in order to work together towards common goals, is a silly one that I used to laugh at but now have grown sick of.
It was bad enough to invalidate everything said before it.
The part where it says drowning yourselves in our poetry.
100% true story: I belong to a Facebook group that is organizing a sister march in our city.
Because as bad as the orange elephant is, my worries about him don’t overcome my pathological need to find ways to debate my own moral superiority over pretty much everyone I come across.
Thank you. Jesus fucking Christ, fuck me for thinking everyone should be treated equally without spending my whole life learning about the historical injustices (insert group here) had to face. When I go, “Man shit really fucked up how can I help?” and you go “You don’t even know, you need to shut up and listen.” I…
“How do you know that I’m not reading black poetry?” <——(Real quote!)
Ronda Rousey was always overrated, and the second she saw an opponent higher up the ladder than Glass Joe, they made mincemeat of her face. She should retire from fighting, and chase her dream of being a top-tier competitive Pokemon player.
This is the correct angry thought.
Poetry sucks.
im hatch
Cynics: Bullshit.
You are making too much sense for Kinja. All these clowns want to believe in Russian hacker propaganda.