
Color me disappointed.

I applaud Capcom for delivering new dlc, especially when it’s free...but the expectation was set for three story-centric mini-campaigns, not three 4th Survivor modes. I’m probably in the minority on this, but I’m not a fan of 4th Survivor, in the remake or the original.

Just don’t be an asshole and tip decent then you won’t have to deal with any problems. The funny thing is that even if you take it home they still can charge you more and will if your a dick. The police do not care about you losing five dollars and your bad reivews are a waste of time

A few things here:

What a time to be alive.

Deeply kiss your son and father on the lips with that mouth? 

Eeeeeeh... I mean, I love Nintendo, and I certainly love the Switch.

Thankfully, the Wii U still works just fine.

Seriously. If you’re not going to put in the time and effort to train a small monkey or a ferret, just stay home.

Sometimes I think so. 

The Internet was a mistake.

Should I tip differently in states where servers make minimum wage?”

I came here expecting replies about how bad this game is and totally overrated it is.

This game has so much wasted potential it’s rather tragic. Boring world, few enemies and worse most are just recolors for difficult. Incredibly grindy crafting system for pointless returns, criminally underused mechanics (which this illustrates how simple yet powerful they are and how nothing cool was done with them

Anyone else make their parents drive them to toys r us on Saturday mornings so they could play in the Pokemon League?

2-1 odds that LW#1 wife has a side piece. Going out to the clubs and concerts without your SO with that flimsy of an excuse is exactly what my brother’s wife was doing to him before she finally came clean. Leaving that abruptly/refusing to even see if counselling would work. Sorry guy!

Kinda blows that you can’t really run around in active mode anymore in GTA. I’m fine with getting ganked, or gank-ing, but having people fly by an nuke you randomly is just unfun.

The problem is that it’s Putin’s idea.

I like that idea except he has Pence that reminds the fucker to sign his executive orders like that kid in class that reminds the teacher she forgot to assign homework.

The dude clearly has early (or possibly mid)dementia. Why don’t we just wait 6 months for every policy? He’s likely to forget it was his idea in the first place.

It must be from the nineties! Look how light traffic is!