Jaguar F-Pace has a similar thing. 50 colors or something. But more subtle. Looks cool in that. Here, turn that brightness down a bit please.
Jaguar F-Pace has a similar thing. 50 colors or something. But more subtle. Looks cool in that. Here, turn that brightness down a bit please.
He’s evil. In the comics he slaughters hundreds of protestors. He didn’t start out evil, but he became evil.
See, I can’t understand blindly voting for someone just because they are Repub. Why? Open your mind. Vote for who you think matches your views as much as possible and would do a better job. Of course I may be naieve.
I doubt they shared it with anyone other than those asking. The dealer and people he told to ask. He’s the one publishing it for all to see. I doubt Ferrari took out an ad or billboard to say “Hey, everyone, listen up. This douche is UNQUALIFIED to buy our fancy new car. Have a good laugh and please don’t touch the…
How about the 787? Too small? Screw the press! That sweet vertical climb tho’
I had that happen to me at the movie theater waiting. Sat down, decided to take over the gym there for a bit and it kept moving me to the other side of the mall.
Not just make it, but have all top execs drive it. Daily. For life.
Trial and error, plus adapting methods is still experimentation. Basis of scientific study. Maybe it wasn’t called that back in the cave days, but it’s still a form of science.
Yes. Experimentation. The core of science.
Because if he says it multiple times, it might make it true!! That’s what the instruction manual said...
It’s a maturity thing. They gravitate towards nonstop poop jokes. Who doesn’t love a good, timely poop or fart joke? But they can get carried away
You realize it is worldwide right?
You’re so much better than everyone. Oh wait, you’re not. Because you judge people on what makes them happy. You who are the final arbiter of what’s right and adult.
That’s the result of too much Kraft “mac&cheese”
Chicago and Milwaukee are the same. People don’t understand when you say it’s 5 miles away. It’s 10 minutes, or and hour in Chicago.
It’s a gun. With a tacticool light and maybe laser pointer unit. At least the light.
Shave it off and own it.
But remember, he is still struggling with seduction of the light side. His internal fight is coming through.
Mix with hipsters souls for an amazing experience.