
I’m not 100% up on NK SAR equipment and practices, but I think they’d have a hard time rescuing alive the crew from a sub that sunk at its pier.

they currently have a swan paddle boat, a pair of binoculars, and 2 saltine crackers. They have their best men on the job.

I think you may have watched one too many episodes of House of Cards.


They would need to have a reasonable expectation of privacy for that to apply. You can record conversations between 2 people in a public or semi-public place with no issue if there is not “an objectively reasonable expectation that no one is listening in or overhearing the conversation”. The car did not belong to

never valet, not even once.

Why are they allowed to do that while other cars can’t?


You sir are the problem.

I guess you think this article is about other people.

Nobody said that the free market was a level playing field commie.

The Chinese economy would suffer far worse in this hypothetical war than the US. That’s the advantage of a consumer driven economy, and the reason we have a trade deficit. Why Trump thinks a trade deficit is such a terrible thing is beyond me.

Whoever edited that footage into that god awful video should be hung from his/her/its toenails.

Trump bankrupted a casino.

This is a classy strawman made of the finest 24K gold. Look at the great, tremendous quality of that argument.

Do we have to pick just one?

Actually they do. There is a large underground network in memory sticks featuring South Korean TV programs. Sort of like Romania had with VCR tapes prior to the fall of their dictator.

Hey, go fuck yourself.