Wilmore should have Maher’s job.
Wilmore should have Maher’s job.
Milo right now:
Yeah this is the way to watch Real Time. Skip the monologue at the beginning, maybe skip the interview (his interview was Sam Harris was just a 10 minute atheist circle jerk) go to the panel discussion. Skip New No No’s.
$22 billion is low balling, especially if it’s a continuous wall.
to quote Plinkett, the great orator of our times, “What’s wrong with your faaaaaace?”
Yeah, but good luck finding 3 republicans that can put their country before their fear of being primaried. If Republicans weren’t cowards, we wouldn’t have Trump.
I can only imagine how my dad would be reacting (god rest his smutty soul). He despised Trump (my dad worked at a major telecom and I believe had an interaction w/ Trump at one point). Back in 2000ish I remember he talking to him about Trump. His opinion Trump is a dishonest sack of shit who has never earned an…
No I blame Reid. The democrats were never going to hold the presidency (or Congress) forever. It was a miscalculation and unintentional for sure, but it was still his mistake.
exhaustion is what they want.
Appointees can’t be filibustered. You can thank Harry Reid for that.
He’s not even a human fucking being. He is a grab-asstic piece of amphibian shit
Paul Ryan is too much of a yellow bellied chicken shit little bitch boy to even consider impeachment
Do you really think that being the President is good for a person’s mental health? He is going to destroy himself.
I’m an independent (I sure as shit didn’t vote for Trump though) and Trump’s con job couldn’t have been more obvious.
I really don’t understand how people couldn’t see Trump’s hustle a mile away.
lol no