
Wilmore should have Maher’s job.

Yeah this is the way to watch Real Time. Skip the monologue at the beginning, maybe skip the interview (his interview was Sam Harris was just a 10 minute atheist circle jerk) go to the panel discussion. Skip New No No’s.

$22 billion is low balling, especially if it’s a continuous wall.

to quote Plinkett, the great orator of our times, “What’s wrong with your faaaaaace?”

Yeah, but good luck finding 3 republicans that can put their country before their fear of being primaried. If Republicans weren’t cowards, we wouldn’t have Trump.

I can only imagine how my dad would be reacting (god rest his smutty soul). He despised Trump (my dad worked at a major telecom and I believe had an interaction w/ Trump at one point). Back in 2000ish I remember he talking to him about Trump. His opinion Trump is a dishonest sack of shit who has never earned an

No I blame Reid. The democrats were never going to hold the presidency (or Congress) forever. It was a miscalculation and unintentional for sure, but it was still his mistake.

exhaustion is what they want.

Appointees can’t be filibustered. You can thank Harry Reid for that.

He’s not even a human fucking being. He is a grab-asstic piece of amphibian shit

Paul Ryan is too much of a yellow bellied chicken shit little bitch boy to even consider impeachment

Do you really think that being the President is good for a person’s mental health? He is going to destroy himself.

I’m an independent (I sure as shit didn’t vote for Trump though) and Trump’s con job couldn’t have been more obvious.

I really don’t understand how people couldn’t see Trump’s hustle a mile away.

lol no