He wasn’t the “most faithful”. Ummmm ...
He wasn’t the “most faithful”. Ummmm ...
That’s... an interesting wording of marital infidelity. “Too many good times.” I guess he thought the first handful of cheating episodes were part of the vows and after that, they start to seem uncouth?
Because JLaw is the Cool Girl. I don’t think she’s intentionally scheming to try to be someone she isn’t. But I do think she and her PR have certainly figured out what makes good headlines.
JLaw always seems to me to be trying too hard. It’s like she wants to project an anti-celebrity every-woman image so bad, it comes off as ultra out of touch celebrity.
Their “phenomenal rapport” sounds like the conversations I have with coworkers I don’t care about but have to pretend I do.
Jesus, that interview should be sold as a cure for terminal insomnia.
It sucks. It thinks it’s smart political thriller but it’s fucking nonsense.
Seconded. If you were peripherally aware of this story, it seems nuts. YOU. HAVE. NO. IDEA.
There’s a decent amount of murder and intrigue, but in-between that is lots and lots of talkign heads. Kind of goes off the rails after season 2, like they just didn’t know what to do anymore.
Spoiler alert (23 years later): at the end of The Final Cut, the finale of the UK “House of Cards” trilogy, his wife “Elizabeth” (now Claire) has Francis killed. I don’t know what they’re planning here, but if Claire has had him assassinated, that would be faithful to the source material.
Holmes is about due for a political appointment in the Trump administration, isn’t she? Head of the FDA maybe?
Her biggest mistake was trying to make something with a valuable, practical application to solve a real problem, because then you actually have to deliver on it. If you invent fake problems and then peddle cures for said fake problems (i.e. “wellness”), then it doesn’t really matter all that much what you do. It’s how…
Geez, she sounds like a frog. It also looks so uncomfortable for her to talk! What a weirdo.
See, this is why it takes more than enthrallment with trappings to actually be a CEO. It doesn’t matter that Steve Jobs wore turtlenecks and you do too; you still have to actually have a product that works.
Dude, if any of you guys haven’t read Bad Blood yet, go do it. It’s a master class in how to dupe old white guys. The quotes from these guys are hi-larious.
Everyone who’s interested should read Bad Blood, by John Carreyrou, about Theranos. Carreyrou is the reporter who broke the story and the book is absolutely jaw dropping. I finished in a day! Also, go watch videos of ELizabeth Holmes’s weird, faux-baritone affectation she took on as a weird attempt at a power move.
If you specifically state “I will not answer questions about this topic” and your interviewer brings up that topic, you are free to leave. If they wanted to ask her about that topic, but she said no, they should have just told her to stay home then.
Did you all miss the part where the demonized, vilified, practically exiled young woman turned out to be an intelligent commentator on the state of politics and feminism today? Or are you still buying the spin being fed to you by the folks currently pillaging Nancy Pelosi (and, until chickens colonize the moon,…