Pepito, Abysmal Goat

what's the portmanteau for that one? c j prawn?

pretty much anywhere

[egg] this is the war.
[egg in frying pan] this is the war on drugs.
[egg in frying pan spinning like a kaleidoscope with sitar music and flower blossoms everywhere] this is the war on drugs on drugs.
[hot chicks making out all over the place] any questions?


drank some of my honey apple infusion with some sparkling water. yum.

illuminati trying to shepherd everybody into permanent stockholm syndrome childhood. that being said i might get a new phone soon but hopefully not new enough to do all this shit.

jean-luc gothard

calling someone a winehouse ripoff is like calling someone a vanilla ice ripoff—-kind of misses the point

winehouse wasn't that great

this is a pretty good article i appreciate you bringing this to my attention. twitter wouldnt let me tweet without giving them my phone number so i am glad to have a place where i can find out about the big trends without having to use the service itself

oh so it's just one book as part of a syllabus. that's cool. never mind.

okay so dolly is great and all but i've always complained about numinous transitory pop culture infiltrating college curricula so i'm pretty much obligated to complain about this as well. can't play favorites etc.

i thought bouts 2 & 3 were best. the women's fight and jacare v whitaker (or whatever it was). johnson never really seemed in danger of losing, more biding his time, though i suppose anything is possible. always a chance he could fail to dodge a big ol' whammy.

watched UFC. watched spoon on ACL. watched SNL, sort of.

wtf is inside of debra messing's ear?

glad to hear this is good. i like exploration films, i like period pieces, but the trailer looked a little heavy on the emotional speechifying.

okay but it also might not be ruined or diminished by having defeated zombies splatter instead of just fall over or disappear.

man i wish my 7-eleven would sell king's hawaiian

what about the impulse adults have to keep engaging with childish things?

an adult castlevania makes way more sense than mega man. mega man is just robots getting blasted. castlevania is inter-generational evil threatening mankind.