great people better ingredients papa jon
great people better ingredients papa jon
i tried to set up a twitter and those mfers had me locked before i could even get off my first tweet
they probably just block everybody with pep in their name at this point
godfather of tailgating
that amplifier looks very kickable
maybe taumpytearrs is actually seth rogen
that doesnt sound sad it sounds hot asf
one assumes all or most of those girls survived another 12 years of life
perhaps one has become ill or passed away and they get together to talk about
perhaps they do a mean milfs 20 year reunion or something
lots of possibilities
bp is a chupacabra
gin is made from trees and so are whisky barrels
maybe some maple syrup liqueur
ive never been a new years person
boringass holiday imho
i wouldve guessed western sahara but i guess they arent a united nations member
requiem for da godz
finally saw arrivee directed by dennis newtown
i liked some of the parts
its a free country you can thank whomever you want
love me some flappin molls
my new band is called NOT THE ACTUAL NAILS
guess we will never know
back to ignoring everything
they were all fired immediately thereafter
san diego is going to turn the browns black and blue