It makes sense in the direction they are going. It's not great or bad. The only thing that bothers me is the kerning between the "f" and "t" making the arms touch. It creates a strange shape and makes the negative space around it look awkward to me.
It makes sense in the direction they are going. It's not great or bad. The only thing that bothers me is the kerning between the "f" and "t" making the arms touch. It creates a strange shape and makes the negative space around it look awkward to me.
I'm really glad you did the sharpening in post. That's the best way to get good results.
Thats pretty cool. Good size for an electric screwdriver too.
These are really nice drills, but they are pretty pricey for the specs in my opinion. You are paying more for the smaller size, which is typically the opposite with tools.
This is what I was looking for. Thanks.
I've seen many articles on Curiosity's cameras, and gear, but I don't think I've read anything about the onboard computing power and memory it has. Has that been covered anywhere?
Yeah, most likely. Such a waste.
That's true. The robot never seems to really close it's lips while talking either.
Because then it's really there, and not CGI. It makes a difference.
Pretty damn pricey for a nylon blanket.
Hopefully this means more animatronics work in their future. I miss seeing really good puppets in movies. I typically find it less distracting than CGI. Especially when mixed in with live action.
Yeah it looks like he's talking with a mouth full of marbles.
Monoprice should have the new cable shortly after it's out. No worries.
A magnet of that size won't do any damage to your cards.
"is good is you" #corrections
I think he meant water, and not ice.
You can do it with a dremel tool and the right bit. Just make sure to run water over it while drilling. If you don't, the glass will overheat and crack.
It's oddly gratifying to me seeing a designer use pencil and paper.
They should just get a paypal donate button.
If anyone needs funding it's NASA. I absolutely love this stuff.