I love using dpreviews studio shot comparison tool to do my own testing.
I love using dpreviews studio shot comparison tool to do my own testing.
I wonder how different, if any, their tests would be if they used 100% crop on the cameras largest file size, instead of using an 8MP image.
I can literally see how the D800 is better in Dynamic Range and Color Depth, but ISO? Do my eyes deceive me that much?
Can you blink in the comments?
It looks like a stubby flying whale shark.
It would be cool to have a panton chair made out of liquid wood.
I call in and say Ill be out sick.
Grid energy storage, and banks of capacitors are used for power factor correction. The wind may slow down in certain areas, but not across the whole state at the same time.
It doesn't stop in North TX.
Their parent company Nextera owns the wind farms, and yes my plan is 100% wind energy. The company may not produce just wind energy, but that's all I pay them for. The closest wind farm they own is about 60 miles from my apartment. *Climbs back on high horse*
They choose who their electrical provider is just like everyone else. Surely someone near their servers offers some sort of sustainable energy service.
I have a 100% wind energy plan from Gexa at $0.083 per kWh. Very cheap. It all depends where you live.
Because buying a new iDevice every year is really "green"
I'll have a chinchilla!