1M frames per second at 128x16 resolution... Why and how would that ever be useful?
1M frames per second at 128x16 resolution... Why and how would that ever be useful?
That was pretty funny when the bass kicked in.
And power strips do not work as shower heads.
I was wondering how to do that.
So does this mean we have to call mono "2D audio" now? Seriously, this is nonsense.
These are cool, I think ive seen at least one of these options before.
Yeah, but then you have to use film.
Just don't do it in a dust storm or in the rain...
Or you could try free-lensing if you have a DSLR or Micro 4/3rds.
Cool, did not know that!
I like the text on the back that says, "Designed by Apollo in California."
One ping only.
or a turd covered in burnt hair.
From the article, "Because removing oxygen from the juice allows the liquid to keep for up to a year without spoiling."
The main thing you lose is storage, but the speed of an SSD makes up for it. You can have an ultra portable, very fast laptop, then, get home and use thunderbolt for a display, external storage and other peripherals. I'd rather have that set up, than a standard desktop and laptop combo. The only problem, is that I…
Resulting test footage looks pretty good. I wonder what the total build cost is...
I thought that too. I used to work in a stained glass shop, and I've never even seen glass reference swatches that look like these. All the glass samples we ever had were larger, and just bare glass. None of them had borders. These almost look like color slides. There still pretty cool, and I'd like to know more about…
I'm curious about these "pantone reference panels". I've never seen any pantone glass before.