
I know! One of my friends makes fursuits for a living and her husband is a furry but they aren’t real weird like tv likes to portray them as. They are super cool and her work is gorgeous.

Wow... what Earth do you live on.

Shit. I found this song on Spotify and have recommended it to a few people in real life. Really hoping they didn’t go watch the music video now.

For fuck’s sake. The furry fandom’s main point is not sex -.-

If you could nail that comment any harder there would just be a smoking crater.

Oh fuck you Giz. I tend to enjoy this site and other Gawker sites, but fuck you. And fuck anyone else who still believes this tripe in 20-fucking-16. Kate, how about you actually do some goddamn research like a real damn jorunalist instead of just parroting what CSI, Vanity Faire, Tyra Banks, and the other shit

Just as Jessica Rabbit appealed to those who like sexy female humans. I don’t think that we have any room to gripe here.

Everything is sexual. Explain to me why a fandom has to be described by their sexuality. I state again, this is like saying the majority of people who like anime or manga or cartoons like their porn that way. Shockingly, that’s not true. Neither do all furs enjoy their porn that way.

It’s a bummer to see furries defined by the sexual angle again, but I guess that’s what grabs people’s attention. Nobody’s going to keep scrolling if you call furries “people fascinated with animal symbolism who create their own characters and personas”.

yea, Robin Hood and Marian are cool, they just weren’t as important to my childhood as, say, Aladdin and Ducktales. I’d still love to see them, and might even get them, too.

My house will be filled with Judy before the end of the year.

I haven’t played the game, but how was it such a big secret that nobody noticed a new area on the world map when you press it?

Installed the game today to see what was new.

I still don’t see it any other way then white and gold.


I actually see it as black and blue now, for the FIRST TIME EVER. What the hell?

I’m not loving the character design of the dinosaur. It looks like something from one of those cheap animation studios that make knockoff Pixar movies. It almost looks like one of the animator’s kids drew a dinosaur and he turned it into 3D.

I don’t know why, but I have a horrible feeling this one is going to flop.

Dat feel when you’re owning kids online with your $10 keyboard. You don’t need all that fancy overpriced marketing nonsense.

Dat feel when you’re owning kids online with your $10 keyboard. You don’t need all that fancy overpriced marketing

Came here for this.

That’s no moon!