
Working on that now!

Now playing

So many choices, but for my money, the piano arrangement of Fisherman's Horizon from FFVIII:

Here's Dark Souls II with the chosen ones gathering around the bonfire, reimagined in glorious 16-bit by pixel-wizard Bandygrass. Pretty neat animation, and it reminds me of the superb character selection screen in Diablo II.

Maybe I could just do a Snacktaku special on hot peppers...

Before you ask, the HPG folks already asked me to do an episode, and I vaguely wandered away from the email conversation while no one was looking.

Maybe a flow chart with YES if you've never played a Yoshi game, but a NO if you did play it and want something new?

See, now THIS is when a Twitch Plays becomes interesting. The only thing missing is customizing them to have their TPP names (not nicknames, but actual names)

It doesn't seem quite the same without the right music.