
I see. I didn't know that. I remember the snes game.

I thought that in the beginning.

thanks for the answer!

Sorry for the question if looks dumb.. but.. why they changed the color of the dots on Toad. [red to blue]

Tried and it definitely works!!!

Well, yes.. the old ones. Some of has a good joke. Others don't. Well.. this is like a lot of others youtubers channels.

It's almost second life. Right? You buy an apartment, a garage, style ur character. You will live in that world.

I like the videos idea, you could keep with the videos! =]

Pac-Man has the Kirby's power, Yoshi's tongue and looks like Cool Spot... really? I'm the only one that saw this?

I don't know why, but this remind me the Mario's rpg for Super Nes

Dance Dance Revolution

Legend of Grimrock + DDR

So much things to be concerned about

So much things to be concerned about...