
This girl is the Japanese version of Rick Ross. That is if Freeway Rick was a samurai and not a drug dealer.

Indeed, they took responsibility and owned up to their mistake.

Off topic, but there was a similar board at Akron University, they kicked a guy out of college who was accused of selling weed even though the police department cleared him of charges. The student, Charles Plinton, ended up committing suicide.

Basically what everyone else said, a fighting game made by and for fighting game fans. ANd it needs another character because it has a small lineup.

That would be a good idea.

So how about this, since you hate paying taxes so much, why not give up all services paid for by said tax dollars?

And to add to this, for a person making $50,000 a year, only .10 a day of their tax dollars is going to welfare. For those who suck at math, that's only 36.50 a year, so that should blow the whole "DERF DERF DERF DERF THEY'RE SPENDING MY TAX DOLLARS ON WELFARE" talking point out of the water. But like you said, why


Actually, Ms Teigen, no one is calling you racist, just an asshole. Who is this bitch anyhow?

I don't know about the obsessive part. It's an HD remake of the 'director's cut' of the original KH, plus Chain of memories, along with a bunch of other goodies. If you were a diehard fan of the series I don't see why you wouldn't get this.

Oh, the Xbox PaTrolls are already practising.

Gender equality ya'll.

Well 2k is the old Visual Concepts, so their basketball games have been improving. As for wrestling, they're going to use the same developers that THQ did, so no doubt it will turn out okay.

I wrote an article on some franchise that could be made into video games (Shameless self plug time)

I think his future wife is putting him up to this. I said it before, but what kills me is that there are things that non-gamer women enjoy doing that we can't stand, yet we're expected to put up with it. However, if we're grown men playing video games, we might as well be coming out of the closet as far as they're

It looks like you gotta activate it on steam anyhow, so wouldn't that be the same thing?

I've been a fan of Doom for years, but I never managed to find the school shooting level. Is that in some DLC I missed?

Or if this was a man saying this about his wife, that would be all good as well right?

How would this be any different from a man saying he is nothing without his woman? I swear, the writers on this site tend to reach sometimes.

Some of these stories are proof that parents need to beat their kids more.