
Playa, it ain't the pessimist in you, it's your bullshit detector picking up on her bullshit.

All my exes did me dirty, so for me it's better not to talk to them after the breakup. Fuck it, it's like they don't even exist anymore.

You're entitled to believe what you wish about me.

I figured someone would mistake me as such. I'm not a nice guy because I'm not expecting anything in return, but I am an MRA - a Man Rejecting Airheaded behavior.

No, I'm not one of those 'nice guys' who complains about being friendzoned, but I gotta say my piece.

I've been playing Starcraft for years, yet I never found the level where you have to gun down a school full of innocent kids. Same thing with Grand Theft Auto and Mortal Kombat. Is there a secret code I'm missing?

Um hmm, right. Maybe it's the spurned jilted lover in me, but If I got a dollar for every time I heard the 'he's a bad husband but we're staying together for the sake of the children' excuse, I could retire from my job at age 32.

Well it usually ends up being one of three things:

Seems to me is that her problem at one time was with the guy she was dating.

I wonder if we flip around genders and this was an article in 'Women's health magazine' called 'Best cities for women', would it still be sexist?

I couldn't help but notice how the NRA named games such as Grand Theft Auto and Mortal Kombat (titles which anyone would point to in a discussion about video game violence simply because they are recognizable by name), Splatterhouse (a game that was a commercial and critical failure), Kindergarten Killer (a 10 year

The shooting ranges in this game look a lot like training exercises. It seems like this game teaches people to use weapons moreso than a Halo 4 or a Mortal Kombat.

You can tell whoever made this list doesn't know shit about video games. Their 'expert' was probably someone they sent into a gamestop one day and find the scariest looking game covers.

Wasn't that last year?

Sorry folks, I'll be playing some Halo 4 and Battlefield 3 tonight. I guess that makes me an evil person, but I feel this ceasefire is about taking blame for things I had nothing to do with. If this kid wore black sweaters, should I stop wearing black sweaters?

Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to live in the 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s, before people made evil things like video games, rock music, and gangsta rap. Things must have been so peaceful back then. I bet all people did was read their bibles all day.

Somewhere out there, there's a gun with a joystick attached to it.


This is directed to any guys reading this. This ain't about the 'nice guys' described above, but about genuinely good guys who get lost in the shuffle. I probably said this before, but it's stupid to think that women actually seek out assholes. What it is is is one of four things

Rule of thumb on this site: Male bashing is cool, cockblocking is trendy, and any guys who are genuinely good are secretly sex-crazed serial rapists.