
A lame attempt to gain their 15 minutes of fame. Even if it failed, at least they cut their losses and pulled out like still ahead.

Self-Righteous sadiddies on Jezebel whine about crip-walking. Meanwhile, Serena Williams, one of the best tennis players in the sport, brings home another gold medal to America!

.....the person who got his did something dangerous and stupid, and was pretty much asking for it.

Fox News Headline - None of these athletes are showing their love for America enough!

No is saying she isn't breaking boundaries. Thing is, this article is about AMERICAN athletes.

I saw this making the rounds on facebook too.

And the Joker, plus Grape Ape.

Yeah, it's only two steps above the usual "I'm not racist but...."

Plus you don't have to worry about hard rive size or upgrading your graphics card to run your game. Although PC gaming does have some advantages.

Right to life begins at conception - and ends at birth.

Lets break it down and make it simple to understand.

And really, that's just the recent past. If people looked at the distant past, they'd see how influenza EA is in the industry and culture. When the company was first founded, they were all about giving the developers their credits, almost making them celebrities. And it was them that helped keep the Sega Genesis

I've never had any issues with them so far. In fact I've gotten quite a few indie games free thanks to their blue coins.

You're going off on a tangent. To top it off, you launch a personal insult in your first paragraph. Speaks well of your maturity.

Really? That's news to me. Because whenever anyone is accused of rape or abuse, most people I see will automatically assume they are guilty. (Duke Lacrosse, Kobe, DSK) Even if the general public may not see it that way, prosecutors and jury will. That's why its such an uphill battle for the accused to prove their

Call me crazy, but I enjoy Kinect Sports. It's a good way to get a workout in and have fun when I can't get to the gym. Gunstringer, Fruit Ninja, and Children of Eden are also cool, and I got all of them free with my Kinect.

I loved the original version. A friend of mine had the source code, and I got the original off One of the most underrated FPS games of that era. I'm surprised they used the wolfenstein engine. I guess it makes since since it was supposed to be a sequel to Wolfenstein.

I had thought that too, but then I realized that he's still talking and people are still able to hear him, two things that would be problematic if his head was up his ass.

So if a guy would have cheated on you at that age, you'd be okay with that because he's young?

I'll say. Remember this?