
In this case we're looking at an adverb and an adjective: HP is being described as "liars" (adjective) and they are in the process of "lying" (adverb).

Eh, maybe. But by the time the next Halo is out, there'll be a marketing push like all the last ones, that will prevent that confusion. You're talking 3-4 years from now, I'm talking 12-24 months (accounting for the delay of another full year at least before launch). What you're saying is akin to someone mistakenly

Sadly, what you said is true. The US is big time behind on Internet connections, even in highly-developed places, like I posted.

Regarding the downloading of games:

When the 360 came out, it was praised for having "gobs of RAM" (quoted from Penny Arcade). Remember, in 2005, 512MB of RAM was actually standard on most gaming PCs and 1GB of RAM was considered upper tier. I had 512MB of RAM over that summer for my Battlefield 2 rig, and then I upgraded to 1GB that fall. For a

I don't really care. We don't call our Xbox 360 the Xbox 360 very much any more. It's just "Xbox", because it's the only one. Most people will have both for the first year or two of adoption as the previous generation overlaps onto the new one, so then we'll call it "the new Xbox".

You're an idiot. Even in a well established place like the Dallas metro, Internet speeds won't support that currently, let alone the near future when adoption rates of the next generation go through the roof, and, according to your plan, everyone is streaming games or D/Ling them through the cloud. Plus, there's a

And on the PC, it came on no discs, runs at higher resolution, with more effects, denser geometry, DX11 tessellation, 64 players, and a keyboard and mouse. :-D

Casey, if you'd played a PC game like Battlefield 3 on Ultra, or Metro 2033, or any other full-DX10/DX11 game, you would know how much better it can be. It's a lot of little stuff that really adds up to blow your mind.

Now playing

Saw the last line on the article and couldn't help but think of this :-D :

Actually, I wouldn't mind a free MS Surface. I wouldn't buy the RT w/ my own money (waiting for Pro), but sure, I could do worse than getting a free Surface RT.

Oh, I totally agree with you there man. I just hear the commercials constantly and figured they'd be a better "fast delivery company" to use in the headline for that reason alone. :-p

But is it faster than Jimmy John's? 'Cause they're "Freaky Good, Freaky Fast."

Well, I know that while most consumers might not call it "Sense", just like they don't know that the iPhone's backgrounds and stuff exist on a software platform called a "springboard"; they can tell that the HTC lineup, from the EVO to the HTC One series looks much slicker and more visually appealing than Samsung's

Oh, no doubt, haha. It was about $20/mo, I think. Yeah, they called it MediaFlo, and it was a Qualcomm technology. The most well-known phone at the time to support it was the LG Vu, AT&T's rebadging of the LG Prada phone- one of the first all-touchscreen devices; it managed to slip into retail just before the iPhone.

Am I the only one who enjoyed AT&T's TV phone service (not the shitty "streams-over-slow-3G", but the "real, actual TV waves to your phone" service) and thought it was ahead of its time and a little under served in content?

Someone call Jodie Foster! She's got a job to do.

Yeah, this is what I was thinking. Probably showed that it wasn't financially viable when you factor in all the other costs and then add the risk of people dropping off after a couple of months.

Well in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metro, its coverage is much improved vs. Sprint's, and just about in line with AT&T's. AT&T has better coverage, but not by much.