
You realize this show only exists because of him, right?

Just to clarify...5 are being expelled. And in the report the videos taken describe a slightly intoxicated women who was still clearly aware and was a willing participant with a couple football players. The victim even states that she was willingly having sex with multiple partners. What seems to happen here is a few

And that cheerleader is going to be asked, How much fun did you have taking on ten dongs willingly?

She said he tried to hit on her which is now very ironic.

Oh no! I want EVERYONE involved with that shitshow to die

16) Basically every minute Kate McKinnon is on screen in Ghostbusters

Oh for Christ sake.

In everything you say, do and write - progressive America condemns middle Americans. You take every opportunity to shame them, blame them, and when available, regulate them out of jobs.

Why would they ever turn to you for help or answers? You mock them from a keyboard while squeezing into a booth

The problem with “fuck ‘em, they voted Trump!” is that the dividing lines are not so clear. In states with more than 2 million voters, only a couple gave Clinton less than 35% of the vote, most were 42%+. Urban areas in red states vote blue.

That’s an awful lot of people to throw under the bus because you’re mad.

Yeah. Also fuck the 42% of women who voted for Trump. And fuck the 30% of Hispanics that voted for him. And fuck the 30% of Asians who voted for him. And fuck the 10% of Blacks that voted for him. And fuck the 45% of college graduates who voted for him. And fuck the 40% of people with postgraduate degrees who voted

please encourage ALL of your democrat and progressive friends to hold this same stance. Encourage them to continue to talk down to “rural” americans and show them how stupid and ill-informed they are.

Not openly hating them and wishing for their suffering. Instead, perhaps, the creation of a party and a status quo that doesn’t leave them looking for any alternative, any change, regardless of how unproductive that change may be.

I’ve recently moved from a large overpriced city to the rural countryside and I’m perfectly content to be away from throngs of people and have my own little area.

I can only imagine that the oh-so thinly-veiled disdain liberals have for certain parts of middle America is in no way responsible for their unwillingness to vote for liberals.

Based on my readings of Mr. Nolan since he emigrated over from Gawker, he doesn’t seem to understand taxes or really any other economic concept.

In this country we have the presumption of innocence. Take your presumption of guilt somewhere else.

Rape is complicated because any “innocent until proven guilty” argument means that, by definition, you have to assume the victim/accuser is lying until proving he/she is not. It’s not a “pathetic hill to die on” if you A) were there and know it to be an illegitimate accusation or B) have no reason to suspect that it

And this’ll turn around and bite the NC Republicans in the ass now that they’ve set the precedent. Just like the Democrats are going to suffer through Republican use of the Democrats’ precedents over the past 8 years at the federal level.

This is such a silly and indefensible comparison, one group dresses players up for a day or two, one group rapes the newcomers and violates them. Not very comparable.

She misunderstood him when he said, “I want a shot a Morehead!”

where are the masses calling for him to be kicked off the team? they are quiet.