
Usually I don't agree with Steve Jobs, but he has consistantly said that a TV box like this, or appletv don't have a very good way to become pervasive as a content distribution device over cable TV.

@seamchug: I hear your neighbor is buying 5 more cars. You won't mind if he parks 4 of them in your driveway do you? I mean you have the room, and he payes sales taxes and gas taxes that pay for the road at the end of your driveway, shouldn't he be allowed to park there since you have space?

@Panzer23: Yeah, because when the government regulated Cable 10 years ago it really lowered cable fees didn't it?

@JayBeazie: You're only 7 years old?

@not.yet: You're ignorant and don't know what you're talking about.

Typical gawker bloggery.

@aquajaws: Houston shouldn't even HAVE a space industry.

@ringer81: I lived in a city called Jackson Michigan for a while, they built a "space museum" waaaay the hell off the beaten path, when they city lays at the center of the 2 major north/south east/west routes through the state.

Sorry, everyone knows this is the best ship of all time..

100 is way to many. You don't have to decide when you make a list that way, it's more a memory study.

@Firebird: . . . _ _ _ . . . ? Isn't that universal?

ISDN was built into every phone switch made since the early 80s. Yet the bell companies wouldn't sell ISDN to homes because the price they would have to sell the lines at to be affordable would canibalize the very expensive and highly profitable dedicated data circuit buisness they has.

Some store should make everyone dress up a zzzombies to get in and film it.

@tobylane: Sorry to pop your bubble, they did this on the russian vomit comet over 10 years ago.

Sure, waste time on bittorrent web sites and let illegal and violent people stream over our unprotected boarders.

@Xucuroz: Forget the physics, who can throw an ax that far IRL?

Go off road you takes your chances.

So, let's say that bus had run someone over and killed them.

That is a fail in sooooo many levels it's not even funny!