
@lazlopink: What's any of that have to do with this clip?

I'm pretty convinced this movie will have a 70% fall off in it's second weekend.

I wonder how much the land owner had paid off the city officials to ignore building codes?

I'm thinking a new Burger King game needs making for Kinect.

@thecast: Nothing like over using a song.

Hmm, maybe Alan Wake can be re-marketed to women..

I've played tons of FPS games over the years.

Can we just go ahead and skip all the plane stuff and get right to the Space based Laser platforms?

Soo, let's do an overlay of Al Gore's famous graph. The one he shows how the peaks and valley's of Carbon Dioxide levels and global warmth go up and down together.

@Daveinva: BTW, NASA's budget is like $19 billion.

Hmm, maybe the Blogger can point to the NASA data that backs up global warming for let's say, the last 10 years?

@skt.smth: *sigh*, it wasn't what she downloaded, it was that she distributed it.

@skt.smth: So what you're saying is that instead of offering a good deal to people, of only $3k the RIAA should always go after the max amount each defendent is liable for?

@Apoc28: Read the story.

@Slinkytech: Well, since you can copy these to give them out, think about her giving those 24 songs out to 100,000 people. Makes the theft seem a little bigger then huh?

@Jesse Tobiason: Yeah, and her moral values stealing something and giving it to thousands of people was soooo much better.

@Heilage: She was given the chance by the RIAA at the start to pay $5k but she didn't.

@TheGift73: What if she had uploaded those 24 songs to 100,000 people?