
Must have been made by Right wingers.

Hmm, let me review.

I wonder if Pink Floyd will sue Bay?

@kraai: You do realize that statisticaly anywhere we do anything will extinct something?

@MrEvil: Wouldn't flushing motor oil DOWN the drain be a good thing?

@Philip Kahn: Dogs have only been around as dogs for 37,000 years. So yes, it's very easy for narrowly adapted creatures to reach that in a relatively short period.

@Aligon: So what are you saying?

@Pope John Peeps II: You know, I've read a ton of your lame attempts at "science" in comments to other earth sciences blogs. You seriously don't know anything about real science do you?

@ilos: Thank GOD every other vertibrate on the planet eats nothing! Heaven forbid that a Locust swarm wipe out thosands of acres of plants.

Grey's Anatomy is more exciting.

Middle earth IS MICHIGAN! Michigan has a HUUUGE tax break.

Sorry to tell you this, it's moving.

@TheGallow: Chances are greater the earth gets hit with an asteroid killing billions before man made global warming creates a "run away" CO2 inducest human killing heatwave.

@ReiRei0: Shouldn't someone have a LOLs cat about global warming by now?