
The reason Norton's hulk sucked was because they hired a douchbag that played it way to seriously. I think the guy thought he would get an oscar for it or something.

@PDT767: You realize HE should have thought about that before he stole it? How's that the defendants problem?

@schifm08: *sigh*. Okay let's look at your brilliant concept.

@dimich.: If you steel 100 copies of the same CD should you only pay for 1 CD full price and manufacturing costs for the other 99 since you can only listen to 1?

$67k is unpayable?

Looking at single frames of a MOTION PICTURE and comparing them is a waste of time.

@Swobo: Once we don't luanch our people in our rockets, they are just hitch hikers, not astronauts.

@Mondoz: No, we are going to be 3rd world space hitch hikers.

@KTope: And why is the private sector going to go into space besides to be expensive trucking for the government?

Welcome to the United States of Europe.

Now playing

Tell me these kids didn't do this stupid stuff because they did it or saw it in a skateboard game.

The actors must be bored out of thier sculls with nothing to do in Detroit.

@Groo8: Um, or how about just unhook the wire from the back of the camera that has a nice twist off connection?

I bet it's going something like this at the last Studio heads meeting for this film.

People shouldn't blog High, or drunk. Whichever this was.

I remember when I went to the first showing of Tron in the theater.

Probably a "Car and Driver" writer.

All the Characters seem flat in this season of Dr Who.