
So, you're a woman with one of these.

@staticfive: So if we go by your logic, any system that can be hacked is also fair game? Any data that anyone through any means can get is fair game in your world?

Thank you hollywood for wasting money on drek like "Get Smart 2". :/

@RicketyCricket: Quick, someone photoshop lieberman's face on the emporer's body with lightning bolts coming out of his hands!

@CaptainJack: They already have the power to shut down TV, radio, cable and satellite broadcasters dude.

I never really got the fantasy feel from the first 2 movies.

So, when are they going to stop screwing around building just one telescope and trying to make it see further when they should be building an array of telescopes like the VLA of RF dishes?

You can get an auto answer modem or fax machine to think you're a modem if you whistle to it. Just start with a low note and slide up the scale, it will start to handshake back at you when you hit the right freqency.

Looks like china needs airbags on the OUTSIDE of cars.

I think this is MS's way of saying "We see you EVERYWHERE gizmodo, don't EVEN try to pull that 'we bought it from a guy that TRIED to return it to MS but couldn't' phone thing on US you MFers."

@Aklost: msn messenger since 1999.

Only 1 way to do this. Throw out everything you know and go crazy.

Enjoy your FREE table tennis finals, your FREE Bachi Ball FINALS and your FREE Indoor Football you sports lovers you!

Please please please no.

T2 was perfect. Perfect for the 12 year old boys that we all heard yelling in the theaters, "LOOK! THAT TRANSFORMERS HAS teh BALLS!! hehEHEhhhe".

P2 was about one BILLIon times better than any of the AvPs.

Makes the white iPhone look like a playskool toy.

I think I'd worry more about the counter person that didn't wash his hands after #2 then shovels my popcorn in my bag.

@RolloGrande: You should have taken it higher in the court system.

@jackbling: I mean seriously, they get paid to HELP people, not judge them right?